A Young Man!

A family’s financial situation should not determine whether or not their child has an opportunity to participate in quality programs and activities. This is the case for many of our children who are living in the Urban Centers of America, particularly those from single parent homes where resources are seriously limited
For a pledge of $80 you can sponsor a young man in the S.T.E.P. youth training program for a period of six months. This includes registration, uniform, notebook and a ongoing hands on instruction process involving culture ,health and nutrition, leadership skills, self defense training and much more.
You can assist our youth to greatness with your support in this process with a sponsorship of one six month session for the amount of $100. or two six-month sessions (one year) for $200. A small price to pay for the exchange of providing a young man with the tools needed to succeed.
If you or someone you know can appreciate such a mission and wish to give a contribution towards the building of our future, please make checks or money orders out to:
Striving Together Equals Progress Inc.
S.T.E.P. (Youth Sponsorship)
P.O. 22192 Newark, N.J. 07101
Or call (973)842-8212
With your assistance we can help build the future one young man at a time.
S.T.E.P. is a nonprofit 501c3 organization: Tax ID# (EIN) 74-3261554